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The Divine Brew- Sept 5, 2020. They'll Be There if it's Meant to be

A new week, the same devil. But this time the energy talks of the ambition to achieve one's goals. You may be obsessing over creating a new beginning after something didn't go as planned. Some of you are in the mood to move to a new place or you're in the mood to give someone a piece of your mind. There's an energy tied to the past that you still want understanding on. Some of you may feel the only way out of a situation is to leave without notice. Someone's entertaining a situation that doesn't bring them peace. Don't get caught with your pants down. An impulsive decision at this moment is likely coming from a place of fear. Some of you ,may be trying to force some sort of truth out of someone. And because they're not telling you anything or telling you what you want to hear, you may be doing some digging on social media or through their phone.

The choice to become cold or to cut something out of you life has not been an easy one. The rules don't seem to apply to someone and they feel they can do as they please without consequences. The time is now to hold others accountable and ourselves. Some of you have chosen the way of the sword when it comes to hiding behind your truth. Truth is you may be aware of someone's infidelities or someone being untrue about having options. But a part of you doesn't care because you've imprinted your heart onto this person. Where's the respect for yourself and where's the respect from there's person towards your connection. Someone has put something on your mind or heart that's hard to ignore. Someone's asking for a another chance at being bad. You knew this was coming.

Words may feel like butterflies but the Emperor energy asks you to use your head. If they can't choose you, at least choose yourself. Some couples may take their space away from one another during this time. Things have remained the same for too long and it's just words at this point. The responsibility of a connection or committing to one person for a long time is scaring someone. Maybe they need to figure themselves out. You are not giving yourself enough credit for this strength you possess. Meeting your true soulmate while you travel is coming up in 10-17 days or in the month of October. Some of you are pregnant with abundance and you may ruin it because you fear you may miss out on this love. They will be there if it's meant to be.

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